To provide a haven of hope for socially displaced children by empowering them with life skills and opportunities to meet their full potential.

History & background

Rainbow Rescue – a home for Socially Displaced Boys is a Non-Government Organization (NGO), incorporated on November 16th 1999 under the companies Act, 1995 of Trinidad and Tobago.  

Rainbow Rescue was formed out of a deep concern for the increasing number of children, forced to survive on the city streets due to poverty, breakdown in family life and/or social services.

Our objectives are to rehabilitate and educate at primary, secondary and vocational levels. Preparing our residents for gainful employment and to take their rightful place in society as productive, law abiding citizens.

We are a body which depends largely upon the kindness of private citizens, cooperate T&T +and our own resourcefulness in order to continue our work.

Our Vision

Every child attains his desired goals and makes a positive contribution to society.

Our Mission

To provide a haven of hope for socially displaced children by empowering them with life skills and opportunities to meet their full potential.

Entry to the home

Request for placement can come through any of the following agencies:

– Children’s Authority of Trinidad & Tobago (CATT)

– Children’s Court 

– Transfers from other community residences (where the policies of those Homes preclude retaining male children over 10 years) 

Rainbow Rescue has a capacity of fourteen (14) residents in keeping with our family oriented environment.